The Formal Cultural Artifact Outline

The formal outline At this point you’ve read and watched several things about outlining speeches. Here is where I want to clarify a few things to make sure the outline you turn on on the day we meet for your cultural artifact speech is exactly what I am looking...

Source Citations

Source Citations Verbally citing your evidence…. Cites must ALWAYS include: The name of the publication and the date OR if it is an interview… The name of the person you interviewed and the date you interviewed them.   Often cites will need to include: The...

Cultural Artifact Example: “Mexican-American Culture”

  The assignment for this learning unit is designed for you to prove to me you can recognize the structural and content areas of a speech. At this point you have read and watched a lot about organizing and outlining a speech. Now let’s see it in action....

Assignment: Generating Significance

Generating Significance At this point you have learned how important it is for a public speaker to always analyze their audience. It is the speaker’s responsibility to communicate to their audience that their time is not being wasted and that this speech is...
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