You’ve chosen the Parliamentary Debate Path, a structured approach to mastering quick-thinking argumentation, teamwork, and persuasive public speaking in a debate setting. This bundle includes two courses designed to develop your ability to construct and defend arguments in extemporaneous, team-based debate rounds.
What’s in This Bundle?
📌 Debate Skills Course – Covers the fundamentals of competitive debating, including argument structure, refutation techniques, flowing (note-taking), and rhetorical delivery. Learn how to build persuasive arguments and respond effectively under time constraints.
📌 Parliamentary Debate Course – Focuses specifically on team-based, limited-preparation debate, teaching you how to engage in fast-paced argumentation, case construction, and strategic rebuttals. You’ll work through example rounds, structured drills, and guided practice sessions to refine your ability to think critically and communicate persuasively in a parliamentary format.
How This Path Works
This course sequence will guide you through the core skills of debate, with an emphasis on quick argument development, teamwork, and effective persuasion. You’ll learn how to prepare for rounds with minimal prep time, adapt to different topics, and think on your feet in a competitive setting.
If you later decide to explore Lincoln-Douglas, Policy, or Public Forum Debate, those options are available. For now, your focus is on mastering the art of Parliamentary Debate—let’s get started.